Title: The ethics of our future business leaders: an analysis of the perceptions of cheating in higher educationAuthors: Nicholas Chandler – Péter Miskolczi – Gábor Király – Borbála Szczuka – Robin Hegedűs – Sára Csillag – Zsuzsanna Géring
Title: What’s next? In search of monetary policy objectives and toolset after the crisis
Authors: Tamás Pál – Gabriella Lamanda
Title: The impact of user-generated content on Facebook on travel destination choices: A comparison of Austrian tourism students and non-tourism students
Authors: Daniel Binder – Christoph Lukas – Zoltán Szabó
Title: Investigating savings-related preferences of a sample of the Hungarian population by using factor and cluster analyses
Authors: József Csernák – Aranka Baranyi – Zsuzsanna Széles
Title: Editorial board