Review process

The Forum on Economics and Business continuously accepts for publishing original scientific articles and studies that have not been previously published elsewhere, in English or Hungarian language, in the following disciplines: accounting and auditing, applied statistics and econometrics, banking and finance, business information systems, corporate finance, international economics, macro- and microeconomics, management, marketing, regional and rural economics. Each manuscript is reviewed by two reviewers anonymously (double blind review).

Reviewers will take into account the following aspects:

  • the title is relevant and reflects the content of the work;
  • the abstract summarizes the content of the article;
  • the work presents originality and novelty, it is signifficant for the economic theory and practice in the field;
  • the introduction presents relevant studies in the area and cite the main results obtained by other authors in that field;
  • the article presents consistency, appropriate with the topic chosen;
  • the research method used is clear and well founded;
  • bibliographic sources are appropriate (well-known authors, official databases, examples, etc.) and there is a link between sources and references presented at the end of the paper;
  • conclusions is a summary of relevant research results and outlines clear prospects;
  • the paper uses an academic language, appropriate for the context, avoiding any errors.

The Editor-in-Chief approves the articles for publication. Re-submission of rejected manuscripts will not be considered.


  • Bethlen Gábor Alap
  • Kolozsvári Akadémiai Bizottság
  • Communitas
  • NKA
  • Kolozsvár Polgármesteri Hivatala
  • yes
  • yayayaya

© Forum on Economics and Business | ISSN: 1582-1986