The print version of the Forum on Economics and Business is available at the following partner institutions as well:
Institutes of higher education:
- Babeș-Bolyai University
- Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- Budapest Business School
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Central European University
College of Higher Education of Kecskemét
- Corvinus University of Budapest
- Fordham University
- University of Miskolc
- MÜTF Székelyudvarhely
- University of West Hungary
- Partium Christian University
- University of Pécs
- Sapentia Hungarian University of Transylvania
- Selye János University
- University of Szeged
- Széchenyi István University
- Szent István University of Gödöllő
- Pannon University of Veszprém
- University of Zagreb
- “Lucian Blaga” Central University Library
- Heltai Gáspár Library Foundation
- National Széchényi Library
- Debreceni Szemle
- Erdélyi Gazda
- Figyelő
- Gazdálkodás
- Közgazdasági Szemle
- Pénzügyi Szemle
- Polgári Szemle
- Területi Statisztika
- Tér és Társadalom
- Zeit-Fragen
- Bethlen Gábor Fund
- Communitas Foundation
- EME – Transylvanian Museum Society
- KAB – Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Kolozsvár
- KSH – Hungarian Central Statistical Office
- MKT – Hungarian Society of Economics
- MTA – Hungarian Academy of Science
- Pro Oeconomica Association
- Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences (AKI), Budapest
- RODOSZ – Society of Hungarian PhD Students and Young Researchers from Romania