Submission of Manuscripts

The Forum on Economics and Business continuously accepts original scientific articles for publishing. Before submitting a manuscript, please check that the manuscript complies with the formal requirements of the journal. Manuscripts that do not comply with the formal requirements will be rejected.


  • Before submitting a manuscript, please check that the manuscript complies with the formal requirements of the journal.
  • The manuscript reads well and is comprehensible for people with various backgrounds within economics.
  • Each author has filled out and signed the declaration of originality.
  • If the manuscript contains figures created in Excel (or any software other than Word), please also attach the original Excel document.

Manuscripts shall be e-mailed to the Editor-in-Chief:


Within two business days from submission, the author shall receive a receipt confirmation e-mail.

If the manuscript's subject matter fits within the profile of the Forum on Economics and Business and complies with the formal requirements, the manuscript will be entered into the double-blind peer review process. Within 3 months from submission, the author will receive the review notes on the manuscript.


  • Bethlen Gábor Alap
  • Kolozsvári Akadémiai Bizottság
  • Communitas
  • NKA
  • Kolozsvár Polgármesteri Hivatala
  • yes
  • yayayaya

© Forum on Economics and Business | ISSN: 1582-1986