The admission process requires applicants to present an English language certificate and is based on the admission grade comprising three components as follows:
The following delimitation criteria are used in case of equal admission grades:
- grade for the presentation of the research proposal;
- grade for the presentation of the bachelor dissertation paper.
Applicants should develop the research proposal having in mind a potential research question (idea) in the area of business and economics. The proposal is meant to document the applicant’s ability to:
identify and formulate a research question, be it theoretical or applied;
develop a research plan meant to pursue the previously mentioned research question.
Please save and fill the template for the research proposal:
Citizens of the EU, EEA countries and the Swiss Confederation may participate in the admission process under the same conditions as Romanian students. Application therefore involves the following steps:
1. Obtaining recognition for your bachelor diploma
This step requires you to submit your file to the Babes-Bolyai University’s Centre for International Cooperation. The file will include an application form, your higher education diploma (certified copy and certified Romanian translation), a transcript of your records (simple copy and certified Romanian translation), your bachelor diploma (certified copy and certified Romanian translation) and proof of citizenship in connection with an official ID or valid passport. For more detailed and updated information, please follow Make sure you plan this step in advance, so that it allows you to follow the calendar bellow.
2. Follow the admission procedure as presented under Admission & Fees for Romanian students.
Mrs. Corina Todea at the Centre for International Cooperation will provide support with the admission process. Please feel free to contact her at
The admission process requires you to submit your file to the Babes-Bolyai University’s Centre for International Cooperation by regular postal services. Please use the following address: 68th, Avram Iancu Street, 400083, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Your file will include an application form (two original copies), your contact data, two recent photos, bachelor diploma (certified copy in the original language and certified translation), transcript of your records pertaining to the bachelor studies (certified copy or certified translation), high-school graduation diploma or its equivalent (certified copy in the original language and certified translation), birth certificate (certified copy or certified translation), passport copy, medical certificate and certificate of linguistic competence. For more detailed and updated information, please follow
The University will register your file, check it and submit it to the Ministry of National Education for assessment. Once accepted by the Ministry, you will be issued an Acceptance Letter. The University will keep you posted with the developments concerning your file. Based on the Acceptance Letter, you will follow the necessary procedure in order to obtain your study visa. Having the later, you just need to enroll at the Faculty by bringing in your original study documents and proof of payment for the tuition fee.
The above presented procedure should take place between April and August.
The study program offers student financed positions (an average number of 10).
The tuition fee is 300 EUROs per month. An academic year includes 10 months.
Mrs. Corina Todea at the Centre for International Cooperation will provide support with the admission process. Please feel free to contact her at
As my graduation from the Accounting and Organizations Masters Program is approaching, I feel thankful and proud to be part of the first generation of this ambitious project. The Masters Program is a great opportunity for everyone who wishes to fulfill his/her economic knowledge and broaden his/her perspectives. It challenged me to look beyond traditional accounting, it provided incentives to explore both the world of business modeling and the great diversity of academic perspectives. I strongly recommend the Accounting and Organizations Masters Program for all the students who are interested in the academic environment or in a career in a multinational company. In my opinion, graduating such a Master Program not only opens doors for you, but it also gives you another perspective about your career path.
Newly enrolled for the Accounting and Organizations Masters Program, I applied for an Erasmus Plus mobility in October 2015 and I received a scholarship to visit the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Graz in the 2nd semester. From that moment on, it was a 6 months story of experimenting, learning and developing. At the German beginners class, I have met people from all over the world: China, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Portugal, India, Spain and Canada. Then came flat colleagues from Brazil, Ireland and Germany, and also meeting other internationals, learning, doing trips, parties, sports and recreational activities together. (…) All in all, it’s an experience I wish to have again which enriched me both professionally and personally.
This master's program delivers what it promises. So far it has met all of my expectations and I dare to say that it is the best pick you could take in the accounting/ financial field in Cluj. I chose it because the courses are taught in English (they really are!) and that sets you ready for an academic/ international job. The jargon may be daunting, but not if you're used to it. And that gets me to the subjects and the books used. Firstly, the subjects are carefully picked from a wide range of fields (accounting, finance, statistics, economics) and the accompanying books are from prestigious universities. I personally loved studying from them. The books are really applied, with representative study cases which ease your understanding, but there are more abstract and philosophical ones too. Either way, these books and subjects are challenging and they will broaden your perspectives, as well as build your vocabulary. Everything mentioned above wouldn't be complete without the professors. They are all well prepared in their teaching field, they know the jargon properly and are always making sure that you understand and get involved. Mainly why most of the courses are interactive. All in all, if you want a new perspective in accounting/ finance/ even economics, if you want to improve your jargon in the field or just your English skills, this master's program is your best bet. (I didn't even mention all of the perks because I want you to discover them by yourself.)
The Masters program plays a key role in cementing Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca as a center for accounting education and scholarly activity in Central and Eastern Europe. A key purpose of the program is to provide a rigorous economics-based training for Masters students so that they can be prepared either to continue onto a doctoral degree in accounting or to enter professional accounting practice beyond the entry level.
I have had the chance to review the academic curriculum that is being put forward by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and believe that it meets the rigorous requirements of such a Masters Program, on par with similar offerings of U.K. Universities. The Program’s curriculum is well developed and caters to the needs of students wanting to develop the knowledge, abilities and skills that are necessary to pursue a career in academia and auditing companies that are present in Romania. I think that the Masters Program is extremely timely. It certainly has the potential to add significant value to the academic environment in Romania.
I strongly recommend this Masters Program to hard working students determined to excel in this complex economic world. You’ll find an analytical based curricula transmitted by talented and dedicated professors. In addition, students benefit from useful courses taught by professors from abroad. At the same time, I find it very interesting that courses taught at AO are correlated with courses from top universities around the word.
The Accounting and Organizations Masters Program is much more than an academic program, the challenging and exciting environment stimulates the best out of you. The program provides you complex set of skills and techniques to help you not only in your professional life, but in your personal life as well. The unique theoretical aspects together with the intensive practical issues examined, qualified me a place as a financial analyst with just 2 semesters in my baggage at that time. The courses I have taken have all been challenging and forced me to push myself to improve my knowledge and understanding. This program had opened golden opportunities for me, thus I would truly recommend it to anyone who wants to follow a business track or would rather choose to develop further through doctoral studies.
I hereby express my support for the Accounting and Organizations Masters Program [...]. I consider it to be an inspired and timely project responding to the needs of students in Central and Eastern European Countries. Considering the curricula planned for the Program, I am confident that it has the potential to prepare students who will further be able to successfully pursue a high quality PhD Program in accounting or positions in wellknown companies such as the Big4.
Accounting and Organizations Masters Programs aims to be one of the best of its kind in Eastern Europe. Here's why:
An innovative two-year graduate program with a modern curriculum which enables customized Pre-PhD and Business Tracks.
A modern teaching and learning environment and active tutoring by top local scholars and invited internationally renowned academics
International partnerships and quantitative research instruments preparing students for the best PhD programs and future career in academia.
Enjoying the academic environment of the most dynamic city in Transylvania.